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公司介绍 |
绍兴雪尔服饰有限公司是一家拥有自营出口权的中外合资企业。全厂占地面积25亩,现有员工200人。工厂座落在浙江绍兴柯桥个私工业园区,紧靠杭甬高速公路,到萧山国际机场仅需30分钟,地理位置优越,交通条件十分便利。本司专营各类针织服装, 生产能力强,产品范围广。从不同克重、不同颜色的普通文化衫、T恤衫,到五花八门的拼块、拼色针织套装、运动衫,无论是印花还是绣花,也不论是成人产品还是儿童产品,都应有尽有。产品远销欧洲、澳洲、南美、中东、日本、韩国以及台湾等地区。除此之外,公司还积极开拓国内市场。自2002年以来,产品内销也有所突破。目前,我司产品已出现在全国20多个城市的大小商场上。
在质量控制方面,建厂初期我们走过弯路,那时的办法仅仅治标而不治本。但经过一个时期的实践,如今的雪尔人在针织服装质量管理方面已经摸索出自己的经验。服装上的许多问题其实不是因为没有制度或制度不严造成的,实际上是人的思想意识在作怪。认识到这一点后,雪尔人立即狠抓对全体员工的质量意识灌输。客户是绝对的上帝,是我们的衣食父母,如今,这些概念对雪尔人来说已非常明确。对于定单,不管好做还是难做,也不论价格高低,一经签下,就必须当做精品来操作,尽力做到完美。公司的上层领导、管理人员以及技术人员,决不允许任何人在他人 (特别是一线员工)面前有任何轻视质量问题和服务态度的言行,那怕是一些很细小的问题。极度重视客人的意见反馈,客人的满意是我们的最大幸福。 等等,经过长期不断地宣传和说教,如今的雪尔人已自然地在高尚的质量和服务意识支配下,将本厂的各项制度条文细节真正地落在了实处,从而杜绝了问题出现的可能,真正地稳定了产品质量和服务工作。如今,我司已拥有自己的品牌,
在生产操作方面,本厂从织布到裁剪到成衣到整烫包装等主要环节,都自行搞定 ,成本控制十分得力。也正因为如此,本司在同行业对比中,竟争优势非常明显。另外 ,由于熟练员工人数多且稳定,质量能稳得住,产量也能拉得起。总之,雪尔是您理想合作伙伴。与雪尔牵手,您成功可能性会大大提高!
Shaoxing Shine Garments and Accessories Co., Ltd. is a joint venture which has the right of import & export. It covers an area 2 hectares, and owns 200 staff members. The factory locates at Shaoxing Keqiao Private Industry Zone which is just near Hangyong freeway and only 30 minutes to Xiaoshan International Airport. We are specialized in knitted garments. We are strong in producing. We have very wide scope of production: T-shirts & Polo-shirts, different weight, different colour; various kinds of knitted Sets & Sportswear; Printing’s & Embroidered; Adult’s & Children’s; and difficult piece together, etc.. We have clients all over the world, such as Europe, Australia, South America, the Middle East, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, etc.. And we are trying to develop domestic market. Our products have been sold on domestic market since 2002. Now they are being sold very well.
At beginning, frankly to say we didn’t do well in quality control. In those days, we laid stress on quality only when problems cried to be solved, and one day it was solved, the other day it came out again. After long time’s practice, we have known how to control quality. Problems in garments actually aren’t because of no system or system being no good. It arises from people’s poor idea. From then on, our staff pay great attention to the quality & service. We should regard clients as God. We never mind the order is difficult or not, or the price is good or not, provided we sign the contract with customers, we should treat all orders excellently. As for quality & service, our leaders, administrative personnel and technicians are absolutely prohibited showing despising to other people, especially the workers in the factory, even the problem is very small. We should pay great attention to customer’s opinion. We are really happy only when our customers are satisfied with all. After long time’s preach, now the details of system in the factory are really implemented by the “xueer” people who are being guided by the noble idea of quality & service, thus, the probability of problem arising is stopped, and the quality & service are really stabilized. At the moment, we have our own brand. “甫蕾”.
As for producing & operating, we do every thing by ourselves, such as weaving, cutting, sewing and packing, etc.. So we can control cost very well. This is the reason why we are always more competitive than others. On the other hand, the output of goods can be increased fast and the quality of products can be stabilized very well, because the quantity of skilled workers in the factory is large and stable. In short, “SHINE” is your ideal co-operator. Co-operating with “SHINE”, the probability of your success will be increased greatly. |
相关产品 |
服饰, 服装, 衣服, T-shirts, garments, 婴儿装, 运动衫, 绒衫, 摇粒绒, 针织服装, 文化衫, 童装, 背心, 女装 |
公司基本资料 |
公司名称: |
绍兴雪尔服饰有限公司 |
连络: |
网址: |
电话: |
86-0575-4225553 |
传真: |
国家: |
中国 |
住址: |
中国浙江省绍兴县柯桥镇山阴路1372号 |
产品橱窗 |